

Pete The Lion: Dare To Be Different

Pete The Lion – When your eyelids are so droopy you can’t even see your own paws, something must change. Pete the Lion can’t sleep and it’s driving him crazy!

Nutty The Squirrel: Dare To Be Different

Nutty The Squirrel – Poor little Nutty just wants to do what all his brothers and sisters do – work in the family nut factory. But that’s just not possible. One day, his Grandad comes up with a bright idea and Nutty finds a way to fit in.

Morag The Goat: Dare To Be Different

Morag The Goat – Morag doesn’t like dinner time, or breakfast or lunch. She won’t try anything new. In fact, the only thing Morag WILL eat is a burger with cheese, hold the lettuce. But one day, she makes her mum very happy.

Patrick The Pony: Dare To Be Different

Patrick The Pony – Sniff, sneeze, cough wheeze. Pat loves giving pony rides on the beach, but when the farmer wants him to go to the summer fair, that’s when the trouble starts.

Princess Rose Saves The Kingdom

Princess Rose Saves The Kingdom – An adventurous and exciting tale of Princess Rose saving the Kingdom.

Pizza The Cat: Dare To Be Different

Pizza the Cat – Dare to Be Different is a series of stories aimed at helping children understand that it’s OK to be an individual. This is a rhyming book and is a fun and easy read for both children and parents, but deals with fussy eating which is a common childhood problem.

Daisy The Dog: Dare To Be Different

Daisy The Dog – Dare to Be Different is a series of stories aimed at helping children understand that it’s OK to be an individual. This is a rhyming book and is a fun and easy read for both children and parents, but deals with fussy eating which is a common childhood problem.

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